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As of 01/28/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$3.54 M





YTD Return


1 yr return


3 Yr Avg Return


5 Yr Avg Return


Net Assets

$3.54 M

Holdings in Top 10






Expense Ratio 1.28%


Front Load N/A

Deferred Load N/A


Turnover 33.27%

Redemption Fee N/A

Min Investment

Standard (Taxable)




Fund Classification

Fund Type

Open End Mutual Fund


As of 01/28/2025


Aum/Mkt Cap


Annualized forward dividend yield. Multiplies the most recent dividend payout amount by its frequency and divides by the previous close price.

Exp Ratio

Expense ratio is the fund’s total annual operating expenses, including management fees, distribution fees, and other expenses, expressed as a percentage of average net assets.



$3.54 M




DUTMX - Profile


  • YTD Total Return 0.8%
  • 3 Yr Annualized Total Return -5.8%
  • 5 Yr Annualized Total Return -2.9%
  • Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually
  • Net Income Ratio 3.30%
  • Dividend Yield 4.8%
  • Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly

Fund Details

  • Legal Name
    Taxable Municipal Bond Series
  • Fund Family Name
    Dupree Mutual Funds
  • Inception Date
    Nov 02, 2010
  • Shares Outstanding
  • Share Class
  • Currency
  • Domiciled Country
  • Manager
    Vincent Harrison

Fund Description

The Fund seeks to provide a steady flow of taxable income derived from taxable municipal securities of investment grade quality (those rated BBB or Baa or higher by U.S. nationally recognized rating organizations (NRSROs) at the time of purchase) with a weighted average nominal maturity normally greater than 10 years. The Fund generally purchases taxable municipal bonds with nominal maturities typically ranging from 10‑30 years. Maintaining a steady stream of taxable income is a primary objective of the Fund. The investment adviser selects securities that it believes will provide the best balance between risk and return and typically uses a buy and hold strategy. Securities in the Fund’s portfolio are typically held for income purposes, rather than trading securities for capital gains. However, the investment adviser may sell a security at any time if it believes it could help the Fund meet its goals.
The interest earned on these securities is fully taxable at the federal level and may be subject to tax at the state level. In periods of normal market conditions either (1) the Fund’s assets will be invested so that at least 80% of the income will be taxable or (2) the Fund will have at least 80% of its net assets invested in taxable municipal bonds. The Fund may invest up to 20% of its net assets in taxable debt obligations other than municipal bonds, including but not limited to, U.S. Treasury securities and obligations of the U.S. government, its agencies, and instrumentalities. We may purchase bonds subject to the Alternative Minimum Tax for this portfolio.
The Fund may also invest in taxable municipal bonds issued pursuant to the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (the “Act”) or other legislation providing for the issuance of taxable municipal debt on which the issuer receives federal support (“Build America Bonds”). Enacted in February 2009, the Act authorized state and local governments to issue taxable bonds for which, provided certain specified conditions are met, issuers may either (i) receive reimbursement from the U.S. Treasury with respect to the interest payments on the bonds
(“direct pay” Build America Bonds) or (ii) provide tax credits to investors in bonds (“tax credit” Build America Bonds). The federal interest subsidy on direct pay Build America Bonds continues for the life of the bonds. Build America Bonds provide an alternative form of financing to state and local governments and, in certain cases, may provide a lower net cost of funds to issuers.
Unlike most other municipal bonds, interest received on Build America Bonds is subject to federal income tax and may be subject to state tax. Issuance of Build America Bonds ceased on December 31, 2010, as Congress declined to extend the provisions of the Act. As such, at the present time issuers do not have the ability to issue new Build America Bonds. However, Build America Bonds continue to be actively traded in the secondary market.
The Fund does not invest in any “tax credit” bonds authorized by the Act. As such, the Fund does not receive or pass through to shareholders tax credits as a result of investments.
This Fund is non‑diversified.
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DUTMX - Performance

Return Ranking - Trailing

Period DUTMX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 0.8% -2.4% 3.5% 68.02%
1 Yr 3.3% -6.1% 12.1% 49.90%
3 Yr -5.8%* -11.3% 28.2% 99.36%
5 Yr -2.9%* -7.8% 57.9% 99.54%
10 Yr 0.0%* -3.2% 73.7% 97.78%

* Annualized

Return Ranking - Calendar

Period DUTMX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 -3.1% -11.8% 4.6% 85.06%
2023 2.6% -16.2% 8.1% 26.64%
2022 -28.1% -34.7% 131.9% 99.89%
2021 -2.0% -11.6% 4.4% 7.35%
2020 1.4% -9.9% 946.1% 92.51%

Total Return Ranking - Trailing

Period DUTMX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
YTD 0.8% -2.4% 3.5% 68.02%
1 Yr 3.3% -6.1% 12.1% 49.90%
3 Yr -5.8%* -11.3% 28.2% 99.36%
5 Yr -2.9%* -7.8% 57.9% 99.54%
10 Yr 0.0%* -3.2% 73.7% 97.78%

* Annualized

Total Return Ranking - Calendar

Period DUTMX Return Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
2024 1.8% -7.3% 12.0% 57.26%
2023 7.6% -12.6% 11.9% 7.28%
2022 -25.1% -32.2% 131.9% 99.89%
2021 1.0% -9.4% 9.2% 9.58%
2020 6.2% -1.9% 1009.0% 87.21%

NAV & Total Return History

DUTMX - Holdings

Concentration Analysis

DUTMX Category Low Category High DUTMX % Rank
Net Assets 3.54 M 2.9 M 314 B 99.79%
Number of Holdings 19 1 17880 97.71%
Net Assets in Top 10 2.52 M 1.59 M 35.1 B 99.17%
Weighting of Top 10 69.72% 4.7% 3984.6% 5.22%

Top 10 Holdings

  1. MI MISHGR 4.5 08/15/2048 9.96%
  2. NV WASTRN 7.97 02/01/2040 9.63%
  3. TN PIG 7.12 06/01/2040 8.43%
  4. FL MIAGEN 7.5 04/01/2040 6.81%
  5. TN METUTL 6.69 07/01/2041 6.43%
  6. TN JEF 6.62 06/01/2040 6.36%
  7. TN METFAC 7.43 07/01/2043 6.34%
  8. TX MIDMED 6.44 05/15/2039 5.73%
  9. NC NCSHSG 6.13 07/01/2043 5.16%
  10. KY KYSWTR 3 08/01/2050 4.86%

Asset Allocation

Weighting Return Low Return High DUTMX % Rank
97.61% 0.00% 9231.88% 38.07%
2.39% -54.51% 1229.94% 55.82%
0.00% 0.00% 213.63% 47.20%
Preferred Stocks
0.00% 0.00% 72.34% 41.89%
0.00% -27.25% 1695.17% 81.81%
Convertible Bonds
0.00% 0.00% 7.93% 90.26%

Bond Sector Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High DUTMX % Rank
100.00% 0.00% 100.00% 0.10%
0.00% -6.56% 43.84% 33.26%
Cash & Equivalents
0.00% 0.00% 1229.94% 90.75%
0.00% 0.00% 98.40% 98.85%
0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 99.06%
0.00% 0.00% 86.23% 97.80%

Bond Geographic Breakdown

Weighting Return Low Return High DUTMX % Rank
97.61% 0.00% 9042.62% 36.38%
Non US
0.00% 0.00% 189.26% 49.90%

DUTMX - Expenses

Operational Fees

DUTMX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Expense Ratio 1.28% 0.01% 39.64% 16.63%
Management Fee 0.50% 0.00% 1.76% 89.60%
12b-1 Fee 0.00% 0.00% 1.00% 2.41%
Administrative Fee N/A 0.01% 0.50% N/A

Sales Fees

DUTMX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Front Load N/A 2.00% 5.75% N/A
Deferred Load N/A 1.00% 4.00% N/A

Trading Fees

DUTMX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Max Redemption Fee N/A 1.00% 2.00% N/A

Related Fees

Turnover provides investors a proxy for the trading fees incurred by mutual fund managers who frequently adjust position allocations. Higher turnover means higher trading fees.

DUTMX Fees (% of AUM) Category Return Low Category Return High Rank in Category (%)
Turnover 33.27% 2.00% 493.39% 9.84%

DUTMX - Distributions

Dividend Yield Analysis

DUTMX Category Low Category High DUTMX % Rank
Dividend Yield 4.79% 0.00% 10.11% 18.26%

Dividend Distribution Analysis

DUTMX Category Low Category High Category Mod
Dividend Distribution Frequency Monthly Monthly Monthly Monthly

Net Income Ratio Analysis

DUTMX Category Low Category High DUTMX % Rank
Net Income Ratio 3.30% -1.28% 4.79% 2.08%

Capital Gain Distribution Analysis

DUTMX Category Low Category High Capital Mode
Capital Gain Distribution Frequency Annually Annually Annually Annually

Distributions History

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DUTMX - Fund Manager Analysis


Vincent Harrison

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Nov 01, 2010



Mr. Harrison is a 1993 graduate of Eastern Kentucky University, with majors in Finance and Real Estate. He was employed by Dupree & Co. in 1994 and worked in bond accounting until 1999 when he became an Assistant Manager. He became Lead Portfolio Manager in 2004.

Brian Tibe

Start Date


Tenure Rank

Jun 01, 2015



Mr. Tibe is a 1996 graduate of the University of Kentucky with a major in Finance. He has been employed by Dupree & Company, Inc. since 2005 serving as an Investment Advisor. Tibe has been employed in the securities industry since 1996, previously with Fidelity Investments and Charles Schwab.

Tenure Analysis

Category Low Category High Category Average Category Mode
0.08 33.43 6.77 1.16