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Powerful Bios, Calming Nervous Clients and Replicating Your Best Clients

Every week, we bring you a curated list of must-read articles geared towards helping you grow your investment advisory practice. Industry veteran Kristan Wojnar uses her vast experience to handpick these articles after conducting thorough research. If you are looking for the right guidance to grow your practice, follow our Practice Management Channel.

Our top picks for this week include articles on how to write a strong bio, what nervous clients need and a referral roadmap. We are leading off with an in-depth piece on how to write a powerful financial advisor bio. Next, we have an article that overviews what nervous clients need from you right now. Last, but certainly not least, is an insightful report on building a referral roadmap.

Does your bio need a refresh or do you need guidance on writing your first draft? Bios are a key piece of your marketing strategy so taking the time to write a powerful one is well worth your time. Check this piece out for 7 tips, as well as some examples to get your started.

With the current market volatility, many of your clients may feel like they are on an emotional roller coaster. This piece provides 5 things your nervous clients need from you now.

Do you have an effective referral strategy? This piece suggests tips on cloning your 10 best clients to revive your current strategy.

Don’t forget to check out our full list of Target-Date Funds while designing retirement solutions for your clients.