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Successful Estate Planning Strategies for Your Advisory Practice

Every week, we bring you a curated list of articles hand-picked by industry veteran Kristan Wojnar to help you grow your investment advisory practice. Follow our Practice Management Channel to differentiate yourself with new ideas and build enduring client relationships.

This week we are entrenched in the topic of estate planning. Our first piece covers tips to help clients who may be hesitant to implement estate planning into their financial plan. Next, we have a piece that digs into how advisors can collaborate with estate planning attorneys to ensure their clients’ estate planning needs are being met. Our final piece looks at how to implement estate planning into your current financial planning process.

It is not uncommon to have clients who may resist estate planning. This author says it is critical to first uncover the difference between clients not prioritizing and clients simply being hesitant. Read on to learn how.

This article explores how advisors and attorneys can create mutually beneficial arrangements. The estate planning process can typically be divided into three distinct parts: strategy, implementation, and funding. This author says attorneys and advisors play a role in each one. This extremely in-depth piece highlights how.

Estate planning is a key element of comprehensive financial planning. This article covers education, action, accountability, follow-up, and future planning opportunities.