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Elements of a Welcome Kit, Managing Client Anxiety, and a Historic Demographic Wave

Every week, we bring you a curated list of articles hand-picked by industry veteran Kristan Wojnar to help you grow your investment advisory practice. Follow our Practice Management Channel to differentiate yourself with new ideas and build enduring client relationships.

This week we are bringing you three great reads to amp up your business. First, we have a piece that examines the power of welcome kits. Next, we have an insightful read about investing behavior and managing client fears. Our final piece of the week delivers an eye-opening propensity chart that depicts the likelihood of your clients experiencing some level of incapacity over the next decade.

This author says welcome kits are not just a tool, they are an experience and a very powerful first impression. This article shares how to construct an effective welcome kit as well as the common elements.

This insightful piece says there are three signs of investor anxiety and explains how you can help your clients manage their fears.

Research shows over the next 10 years, 1 in 3 people are likely to become incapacitated due to Alzheimer’s or other forms of dementia, and many more will be impacted by someone in their life who becomes incapacitated because of such a health event. This piece explains that every advisor will need policies, procedures and supportive tools to prepare for this critical historic wave.